Greetings My Fellow Earthings,
It's Monday morning and what a wonderful time to be at uni (NOT!)i!! After recovering from my FREAKIN weekend!!
I tell you my Earthings life at uni for my course is really not a bludge. It's like crazy motivation land. But lucky i have my Koolest Kiddies around. They are the the ones that brighten up my days at UNI!!
At this moment, the server is down which makes it pretty damn difficult to access this site that I had planned on showing you today.
Unfortunately again, there are no interesting facts, well simply because I have not eaten and also i have not had my Spring Valley fruit juice which I tell you my fellow earthings holds, really interesting and truthful facts!! Facts you dont even know about i tell you. Wait here's one.
Fact No.130: Did you know a group of Frogs is called an army. Gee, I think we need to be prepared for back up if we see a group of frogs!!
Well, my fellow earthings, I have just discovered a site. From uranus, um no, take that one back. It's called Neteffects its, pretty cool is you click this you will be able to see some flash examples. A particular one that I enjoy is the buddy vision flash. There's so many things that you can explore on this site!!! Just have a browse around and if your into this kind of stuff you'll see what I mean. If you not well wait... There's more...
See here my fellow earthings, this site well actually it's just the intro to the site which I find amusing, because it's just unique in the way it has been made. So if you click that. Just sit back relax and just watch it!!
I must be off and return back to the outside world away from this place called the computer!!
So may the Force be with you all...
Farewell My Fellow Earthings
The Life Of Izzy
Monday, March 08, 2004
Hey Kids,
It's the end of the FREAKIN weekend and boy am i stuffed, talk about work overload. I have so much FREAKIN work to do, it's making my life feel so FREAKIN insane at the moment. Arr, it's too crazy for me, I tell you!!!
So how are you kiddies doing at this very moment? Are you feeling fine, sad, sappy, overly excitied [is that possible] or just FREAKIN like yeh what eva [like myself]???I hope you all have ate and slept well.
I dont have any exciting news at this point in time, but I will soon, I'll find something. It's just that life at this very moment seems so FREAKIN boring, with the overload of work that I must complete soon!!
Maties, I think the word of the day for me is FREAKIN what ever!!!
Well Kids, since you all have all come this far to read almost the end of this FREAKIN page, I have a link that I'd like to share with you today. It's pretty cool and I can't wait till its release at the movies!! Its going to be like super cool. It's Rustboy (Isn't it like awsome!). So Kids your mission today is to have a look and check it out and it will blow you away as it has for me.
(Hey Hey, ppls Scotty has come to visit me and teach me the world of HTML --> all these new changes are all thanks to wonderful Scotty) See the links for "The Koolest Kids". Well, Scotty taught me how to do it.(Thanks Scotty ur a Champ)
Later Kids...