Hi Folks,
Well, it's a Saturday morning. And I tell you this is now insane. I have some how and in some way managed to motivate myself to be in UNI!! Now I feel this is going to be so boring, but really I have no choice, because well I know nothing about html, and I think this is the only opportunity for me to try and crack this stuff and at the same time, well kill the mac too!!
Gee, I feel like such a goose being here!! Anywayz, some more good facts Folks!! Well as most of you know I am the Queen of food, there is not one minute where food is not on my mind. It's just how I am and I love it. But I tell you one food I dislike and that's BOILED BEANS (I hope I made that loud and clear!!). Talk about food. Well I broke a record for myself. No I did not eat boiled beans(by the way that's would never be in the record books, it be headlines news and it would smell too). I ate a burger and none of it's insides fell out. You see Folks, I can't stand it when a burger has all its wonderful insides fall out of the bun. It's just not right from my perspective. In any case I find that it is WRONG! So there Matt!! I ate a burger and you missed me eating it!! What a shame!! But I know who did witness this record was Abby and Scotty. They were my witnesses, they saw it all!! UNI Folks, go to the Rivcoll Canteen and get a burger from the Grill and you'll see that the insides will stay in the bun and you'll Love It!! LOL!!
Now imagine eating this, youd have to have like a huge mouth to gobble that up!! Folks, I have to tell you, I could not eat that, because I cannot stand the thought of the insides falling out of the bun!!
Plus I have another interesting fact. Did you know that kids say the most funniest things. you see folks. I know this little girl and she's in some primary school. anywayz there's this teacher who's called. Mrs..So and So (I don't know her surname). Well, they have this nick name for her which is "Fatty", and apparently they call it out when she cannot hear or she is not with in the distance to hear it. But wait that's not the funny part to it. I told her it's not nice to be calling people's names. Then she said, "well this is name is incase she forgets she's fat". And I was like, is it possible that the human brain can make you forget about your physical size. Gee, what a line from a child who is only 5!! Now I wish my brain could tell me to forget things, then I could have Amnesia and then wouldn't that be sweet!! Kidding.....
Well, Folks, I have no interesting Liddle Fact for you!! Well, instead I'll be searching for a link that should enlighten you all... If your into punk music, well I was listening to Relient K. They songs are so funny, well one in particular is funny which is "Pirates who Don't Do Anything" That's such a classic. The current album I am listening too is "Three Lefts Don't Make A Right, but Three Do". And of my most favoured song on that Album is well, let me see...... "Trademark". It's number 1 on my Relient K Album. So Folks have a look at the site, and you'll enjoy watching the little Flash Animations to it!!
I think that's about it folks, there isn't much more that I want to talk about. I think I'm going to try out some html stuff now. So be aware for the new changes, that you will notice if you are a regular to this site. If your only young and new, well it's OK. As it won't be long till you will be a regular and notice the new changes I am about to try and load up on here!!
Folks, I have been spending about hte last hour working out why my little titles arent in colour. My knight in shinning armor Tim (Thanx mate ur a champ!), has discovered my problem and helped me spell the American way of writing colour!! COLOR, COLOR, COLOR! My gosh why can't there Aussie HTML, it would make my HTML life so much easier.
Cheers Folks!