Monday, March 15, 2004

Allo, Allo To U ALL!!

This Blog is Monday's!! OKAY!! Get that right. It's just I find it hard to make it on a Sunday to write a log. So this will do for now!!

What to say?? Well of course I always have plenty to say. I know, I GOT TO DRIVE IN A CAR[auto]!! Yes it's bloody news, because I have never ever sat in the driver's seat before so of course I was excited, but at the same time nervous. You see, I was so never when it came to driving. I was so so scared incase I'd do one of the following:
* crash the car
* jam the key and kill it some how
* kill a pedestrian by accident
* cause total chaos on the road, causing other course to go mad
* freak the driving instructor so much he'd go crazy
All these things were in my mind whilst I was driving. But I tell you the most scariest moment was when I was in the car and after being given told all the instructions on how to work a car, I got told these words. "Ok, now go" And my reaction was like 'go where??'. I mean the option was to go straight head, but I still I was like nervous because I was more worried about hitting a tree than going straight ahead, because of the angle I was in. But I managed, and it was fun. I had like heaps and heaps of fun. I can't wait till my next lesson of driving!! You know I hate round-a-bouts. I can never get my indications right. Amazingly I seem to get both right and left mixed up. That's not to say I am unco-ordinated. I just can never really remember left and right sometimes. What else to I hate, well that's about it so far in driving. And also acceleration is fun, but the funny part was we were driving along a road then I was doing about 80, then the driving instructor said "wait its only a 50 zone". I was like WAT!! And came to almost a complete stop, lucky it was not a busy road!

I had a sad moment today. This bird from the middle no where came and flew into the glass window. I got a shock from it, because I was just sitting and reading and was not expecting any sudden noise. So, anyway, I went outside and I saw it just sitting there lying there. In pain obviously, so what did I do, well I was in a rush and so I left it there in a box and in a corner, it's going to die anyway. What do you expect me to do. Resuscitate the poor little thing. NOOOO... Ewwwww....You don't even know what that thing has had to breakfast!! So yeh!!

Here's another Liddle Fact from Spring Valley:
No.53 "A group of rhinos is called a Crash"
Soooo arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I've been killed by a CRASH!!
Or BLLLLEEEHHHHHH!! A Crash is chasing me!!!

Well, I need lunch and that's that.

Bye To U All



Hiya Do-Da-Las!

The beginning of the week! My rest day, well not entirely. I have like stacks and stacks, well like truckloads of work. I cannot handle this! Do people think we have no lives and forever and ever and ever and endless evers, do work and work till our hands and heads cannot handle this amount of stuff. It's INSANE I tell you my Do Da Las!

Well, Do-Da-Las, I tell you nothing ever seems to get better. I keep hoping I'll have a fine day with no dramas, but I think that hope is just too far away. Well, you see the only reason why I had a small issue today, was due to my hunger. You see Do-Da-Las, I get hungry like so much sometimes it can be a real disruption to my study, as I have noticed. Anyway, I had read like 3 lines and I thought, well I heard the thunder roars from my stomach saying "I NEED FOOD". So I rampaged through all the cupboards and only could find, this can of vegetable soup. I know it doesn't sound that exciting and delicious. But I think vege soup with pasta is yumo and better than those continental crap, thats like drinking powdered stuff. YUK!! So anywayz, since its a can you need a can opener. DAH! Hello, I'm not that silly. Well i got the can opener and well, this was a weird one. You see I'm much used to the one where its on side ways, and it cuts the top of it. So I thought since on my own, Id make an effort to open this can opener. But the silly thing was I didn't know how to use this particular can opener. So it took me about 1 hour to at least make on mark on the stupid can and I was getting pretty frustrated, because like well. I hadn't opened enough of it to even get the bloody lid off!! So after like making a few dents, I some how managed to make half a cut, and it looked well odd. I resorted myself to using the knife and manage to bend the knife. So in the end I had to use my muscles and open the can. i was pretty damn frustrated. I almost started swearing at my own food, because I was dying in hunger by that time!! So anyway, I got it open and I ate it and that was that. Later when I found out how to use the can opener, well I had some how broke it. So now I need to go and buy another one so that I feel better and also so next time I won't be so frustrated when I see a can!!

Another issue which annoys me is McDonalds. Well, my Do-Da-Las, did you know down here it closes at 10:30. That's so not fair. I mean it's like the only place in Sydney well, for me, if I was in need of food Maccas would be my saviour and free the hunger pains away. But no, down here Maccas closes at 10:30. I mean who goes to bed that early. No one, well I don't!! 10:30 is still considered within my eating hours. That's it. I'm going Do-Da-Las, I'm going to write to the Maccas place and tell them to stay open 24/7 because people like me, who need food will give them money for their food and that's my statement!! But yeh, I was in such a rush to get my food at 10:30 and also because I had a list in my mind what I wanted to eat which was:
* A small chips or fries!!
* McChicken Burger
* 6 Packet Nuggets with sweet and sour sauce
* Iced Chocolate Milk with cream!!
That was my dinner!!

Wait... Lookie, Lookie down here: A Liddle facts.
No.99 "Pigs get sunburn"
So what are farmers supposed to do in summer to their pigs? Put sunscreen?? I mean how grotty does that sound, so have a sunscreened pig!!

And that's that Do-Da-Las, I'm going to buzz away and write later!!

Have Fun!!

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