Monday, March 29, 2004

Lookie Lookie

I have made a new font and changed the font to colour (note it's not the american spelling of colour!!) was here too, but got taken off as it was found in appropiate and would make my blog look ugly.

As you can see my progression is slow, but your reaction is fast to pick up on these frightening changes

Hope you enjoy these funny changes

Toootals Snootals

Hey My Monday Moo Moo Choos,

Another day at the uni, and boy I can't believe it. Another day of absolute wasteful-ness. Im just doing another blog and hopefully I can get something done. At least if you notice one change then I will have a slight smile on my face. Then I can be like a ok sort of happy, but at the mo I am just down right in the cranky banks until I can fix this bloody thing up. Note: I am using expression of anger.

I go to drive today! Let me see what else have I learned to master actually i'll just go through the many incidents that have occurred in like todays driving lesson. I'm driving an auto by the way so it simplifies my thinking of changing gears!! My steering is getting better!! By the way I drive on the road, thank you very much. Since when do I occupy the footpath in a car!!

* Situation 1: The round about is always a scare for me. Well actually my greatest fear is swinging the car out and killing something or some person!! So yeh a couple of times i would roll the car too close to the edge of the round a bout then I was like sweet. I got the hang of it.

* Situation 2: Well, I actually have no idea how this occurred, but I was driving of course then I did something wrong like I sent the car out of wack and um lets just say I let go of the steering wheel and let the car fly!!

* Situation 3: Went up hill and that took a bit of effort at first. And mate I tell you when ever I go driving all I ever get told is where someone like died or went airborne and I was like gee that boosts my confidence for driving. I tell ya driving on those hills hear those steepy edges can be quite frightening when you have this feeling of going bye bye off the little cliff!!

* Sitation 4: I got to reverse and learn to park, well I tell you reversing is quite complicating for me. I had a fair bit of trouble because I like well couldn't get the coordination right. No Im not unco. I just can't co ordinate so well!! But I managed to do one perfect park, and hope to do like many more!!

Far out brousel sprouts!! I'm hungry, my lunch consisted of just a chicken tortilla and chips and a drink and many other glorious snacks and more snacks that are attached as well and yet my stomach does not feel content!!

Another liddle fact for my Monday Moo Moo Choos. It's No 55. A Sheep (by the way check out this sheep, duck and rooster (hey make a sound of these roosters were the FIRST passengers in a hot air balloon.

Now that's something i tell you, but I also think that it's animal cruelty. To test things on animals, just because the stupid humans could be bothered to test their own creation on themselves, but send their own animals. I mean they could of at least given them a name for recognition!!!

I wanna go no my Monday Moo Moo Choos. Coz well this HTML is well not happening it complete is a real bum for me. I wanna get something done right but it just ain't happening at the moment. I'm loosing more readers by the day all because no one wants to look or read coz it looks like absolute crap as!!

So I'm moving, Laters

Hey my weekend beans!!

My gosh one whole weekend has passed and what the heck have I been doing?? Absolutely JACK ALL (actually my COM206 assignment), but stress about how freaking dreadful this bloody blog looks. What once looked like a piece of kule creation now looks like a piece of crap-less-ness.

I can't believe it. I'm trying so hard to change it to make it look write but all i ever seems to do is just stuff the poor thing up which is just freaking dreadful!!

So what else is new in today's world? Lemme see, well I have just realized how fast money goes you know!! I just went to Woolies on the weekend and stock up on some personal supplies, such as shampoo(I use Garnier and all that jazz. Headed off to cash out some money. I still have money left of course, but I have come to the realization that I have a tendency to let my money fly like the wind!! I have worked out in the end I have spent about like $2000 on food alone. I don't mean too honest. I'm only a growing gurl who needs all the lovely food in the world to keep my bones(hey go buy some bones, i here there is a sale going!! Quick grab that spine before some else buys it) good and strong!!! So thats news for today!!!!

Ya, so um, here's another fact for all you little beans! Its fact No 62. Male butterflies produce scents that attract females. I think most of us knew that one ey. Yes yes I know not a new one for most of you, but oh well, I'll just get another juice and we'll see a new fact!!

My gosh it ain't long till this uni semester ends. I can't wait till I have my first holidays and experience a whole lot of fun when I go back to Sydney!!

Later my weekend Beans.

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