Look this is so cool. Type izzy on this site. If it doesn't work at all, well try to find me!!
Byia Kulicans
The Life Of Izzy
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Yo My Fellow Web Citizens
Another day at the uni and what a freakin day it has been. I've been spending my day trying to work this HTML land and it's just not happenin at the moment. Today I was sitting next to a html person and after looking at mine and comparing mine to his. Mine looks like absolute crap, but you can tell it's looking pretty gay at the moment. As, it's just looking wrong altogether and boy and I stuffed coz this thing is due real soonish!!
After that bit humiliation, well there is more too it than that my Fellow Web Citizens. Well, you see I had this tutorial speech, which I tell was enough to make me feel like a complete clown. All I did was just say a few words and the next minute the whole class is cracking with laughter. As much as I get told to do a career in comedy. I just feel as though that is not an option to really consider. So sorry I'm not gonna be a comedian, just because the whole world thinks I'm funny. Back to my speech, just when I was getting over the giggles and ready to put my serious face on. Well I just made the biggest boo boo in my history. I was explaining what Hue was and was showing the class how we distinguish one from another. Any how, well I picked up the red piece of cardboard and said “orange”. Now I know some of you this may mean a bunch of absolute nonsense, but for the COM206 dudes and dudettes, well that was enough to crack themselves up till they cried!!
Well what on earth is there to really rave on about. Arr far out I am supposed to involve you people in my blog, but at the moment, it's just too damn difficult since my html skills are sitting at the bottom of the scale. I mean look at this page!! It makes me sick just looking at it. Oh well, only time will tell when I make the changes
Here’s another fact for My Fellow Web Citizens. It’s No.91: Elephants can swim 32.3km a day. Wowies, that’s a pretty fit elephant. Since when can those things swim that far. They are like so heavy!! Now that is something worth seeing. I can just imagine how long that would take! Too long I reckon
Later My Fellow Web Readers