Monday, April 05, 2004

Yella There...

It's the moment of truth tomorrow. This blog is going to get viewed tomorrow and marked as part of my assessment. That's right folks, this whole thing that you have enjoyed and reading each day is part of my assessment task ..... Of course I'm nervous about this whole task. I dont know how I will go, but I am aiming more than just a pass, if I even pass is another issue...

Lately, I've just been having an issue with the body of my text, the alignment was absolutely just going bonkers and having a mind of it's own, but my knight in shinning armor Kristy, she saved my alignment.... now it looks normal. Thanx Kristy your a champ!!

So what else is going in todays world?? I know this world is full of useless facts, but even though they appear useless, they can be somewhat amusing to our brains. and of course the key that holds all of these facts are the Fruitopia juices, by Spring Valley. I have like 3 facts for you to like read!

Lets start of with Liddle Fact:
No 64. Flamingoes can only eat with their heads upside down.
Now that's a bit unusual can you imagine like eating upside down, how unco would that be. Now that would be like so funi just to like what how they eat. I'm still having trouble imagining how they would eat.....

No 81. During a lifetime the average human spends 2 weeks kissing.
Oooo La la, kissing on average = 2 weeks, thats sounds like weird, how can you measure kissing??? So pucker-up

No. 126 The world's tallest cactus measures 19.2cm about this fact, who cares about catus!! I dont seriously, so oh well, that's just another fact incase you wanted to know....

Farewell til next time...

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