Wednesday, April 07, 2004

Mix with Tuesday and Wednesday

I have decided that I will continue this blog for a little while so i can practice on html, but you see the thing is, now I wont need to post everyday, which is a good thing, coz I think posting each day was just far too much for my poor brain, it really doesn't need all this work, but hey I've got more coming up so that'll be like alot!!

Anyway so what happened on Tuesday let me see....
Well it certainly was an ok morning, how I went with this assessment I'm yet to find out. I always aim for the highest mark, even though I may not get it and sometimes i realise that, but it just helps me to reach my full potential. And then after the whole marking session I then went to Scotts new place and it was realy nice....and we watched Pirates of the Caribbian, and Johnny Dep is like the funniest person in the film, you just wont stop laughin at him! And then.............................. I stayed at uni and so did scott til like 11pm. trying to finish my VPA101 and let me just tell you, i put so much effort in to make it look what I thought was right. Of course afterwards I headed home and packed till well um 2.....but you know what it was so foggy at night, it was like spookiness...

Finally the rain decides to come back and water most of wagga, it was just brilliant i tell you...

It's Wednesday's turn...
After the effort that I put in like some serious hours here for VPA101. I got told in a matter of seconds. "MY WORK LOOKS LIKE CRAP", doesnt it make you feel as though all the hard effort is wasted on some approved crap. Geez louise, cut some slack i rekon, coz mate everyone is only like doing their best and can only do what they can, with the materials they have...

Well, its time to eat..


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