Thursday, March 18, 2004

To My Little Readers,

Another day has just is almost at an end, and now seems now is a good as time as any to write. But what on earth do I write? I mean I feel as though I am so very busy trying to keep up with life at the moment. Let me give you an inside on how I think complicated well busy my life is!! A good example would be juggling balls. Now imagine the 1st ball you have is yourself. Now doesn’t that just seem too easy, just to juggle one ball. I’ll throw in the second ball, which is your social life Do you still feel two balls is easy to juggle? Well it shouldn’t be too hard. Your coping so well so far! Ok, try the third ball, which is your social life. By now, things are getting slightly harder, the third ball is making it harder to juggle. Wait there’s more, just when you thought you had it just under control and barely coping here comes the extra work!! Obviously there’s another ball coming in, it’s the fourth ball, which is your work or you can call it homework. You get the idea. So how are you handling it now? Is it getting difficult?? I can imagine but after 1 round you have dropped the balls. Now this is the sign of where you have found it almost too much to handle. Which is exactly how I feel my life is, just like juggling 4 balls. Not easy I can tell you, but I am coping pretty well. My aim is to try and get things back on track and even better be slightly more organized!!

My little readers, well I am having difficulty trying to write or find any dilemmas, because I have not experienced any today!! Oh isn’t that a shock to you, well I have had a day full of lectures. Learning about Photoshop and HTML.and more HTML too. I mean I’m trying to create more linkage here, but what the heck can I link when nothing has happened. I think that’s a bit silly, but oh well. I’m sure I’m bound to find something to link tooo.

Arrrr….My readers, I think I am becoming ill. This morning I had no energy; well no appetite to eat and so I couldn’t eat anything!! Now this is strange and in fact this involves an investigation!! So all today I was forcing myself to eat, because I know my hunger callings would eventually kick in, and I was right. So I guess I now will have some tasty links for you to look at. I’ll tell you what I had today!!!!!! I had a Wonka Nerds rope, I tell you my readers that really really yummy to eat. You’ll enjoy it!! That’s if you’re a fan of nerds. (No I don’t mean people nerds, I mean food called nerds) What else, I think it was lollies galore for me today. They were a % fat free, but really I don’t find fat to be much concern to me. Because in reality food is good and makes me happy, with out it, life would be like being asleep and never wake up. (incase you didn’t understand it = dead). Plus I had some natural lolly snakes. I also had um lets see some hot nice chips with chicken salt. You know chicken salt is really an addictive product, makes you feel like you want to eat more and more, but then you get like so thirsty afterwards! Plus I had a chicken burger, which has tomato, mayo and lettuce and it was delicious and to top it off with a spring valley juice.

Also I have another Spring Valley Liddle Fact for you to read:
No 58: Alligators cannot swim backwards.
Hmm, well that’s just so exciting, I mean I just go swimming with alligators almost everyday just for the fun of it!! Not….

Cheerio My little Readers…

REMEMBER HARMONY DAY IS ON 21st MARCH, 2004. so don’t forget to wear orange…

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