Friday, March 12, 2004

Good Morning, Good Day, Good Evening Boys and Girls,

So how’s life so far? Well you can’t have sux, because that’s no good!! Anything but sux is fine. Anywayz sux is taken so there!!!!!!!

I tell you Boys and Girls, life just seems to have dramas everyday. I tell you never get too confident that things will be fine after an incident, because in most cases you’ll find out it will be much worse. Well this only applies to me really, but then again it could happen to anyone. So I shall the next paragraph!

Last night, I investigated the Land of the dead bodies of spiders, what I thought was mission completed turned out to be mission failed. The army had returned back. So this time it was time to take some Izzy Action. I’ll tell you what it involves!! OK, this is was the strategy I took.
1. Grab all your stuff and chuck it out the bedroom!!
2. Get the vacuum to suck up all the remaining bodies that have shriveled up.
3. PICK UP THE SECRET WEAPON,I found out mine was the Home Brand Insect Spray. No wonder they were immune to it!!! I think next time I’ll spray perfume and deodorant, I think those chemicals in there are much stronger than the HOME BRAND!! Oh incase you didn’t notice the next step spray them all. KILL EM!! DIE U LITTLE MIDGET SPIDER THINGS!!
4. Then last minute investigation to check if I’ve missed a spot.
5. Clear out and lock the door!!
End of Mission!!!

This morning, I felt as though I had accomplished my mission and was successful. So I could be Miss Confident and just walk in my room with no worries. So anyway, this morning I was getting ready for uni, and as usual I was in my pjs getting ready to change. I opened the cupboard door and investigate. Seemed all clear, and I was pretty satisfied, so with CONFIDENCE...I unzipped a bag turned away then got ready to pick a top out and then. It was Mumma Spider [she found me before I found her], she jumped out my bag. And Heck I did scream!! I mean that was the unexpected I tell you. There she was looking at me and I was looking at her. She was ready to kill me after witnessing the death of her young ones. So what did I do, well there was only one thing to do in my case. Just scream, run out my room and call for help. My knight in shining armor was my mate who came to save me and some how managed to chuck it into a jar. Later i found four more were caught all in jars. But mine was the LARGEST of course. After that drama, well I was late. I missed my breakfast which is like headline news for my stomach. ARGH!! So i had to run for the bus on an empty stomach and that took up heaps of effort and energy! I’m hoping this week will be the end of my dramas!!

I have another interesting Liddle Fact from the Spring Valley Juices; No.88: . “An <Ant’s sense of smell is stronger than a dog’s”. Hmmm, so why don’t they use ants to detect cocaine, and other drug stuff? They should you know just have a bucket of ants and make them find the cocaine. I mean it would look really cool, when you see a trail of ants come and chase you!!

At the moment I’m listening too Antiskeptic. For all you Sydney people that went to the Black Stump camp, you know who they are. And don’t they rock!!! Mate I’m listening to the song “Four Seasons”. Mate they are soo coool!!! I just luv their music and many other bands of course that are yet to be mentioned. but since I’m listening to it now I thought i’d share it with you!!

Well, I shall end it here now, because breakfast is the most important meal of the day and i need it right now!

Good Bye, Good Night, Boys and Girls

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