Friday, May 21, 2004

Time for an UPDATE on the Life of Izzy-ness....

Life well at the moment is going to suck, soon my arms will numb up so badly, i will not be able to tyoe. Already I feel the pain straining in my arms whilst I type you this little blog posting...Well, incase you must know...I had like two injections today. One on my right arm and one on my left arm, which completely sux, coz soon i wont be able to do anything with any of my arms!! I had the influenza shot and also the that Meningicoccal C shot as well.. Mate I saw a pamphlet of the Menin C disease and i guess its really amazing to see how potentially dangerous this is, and how much i can affect your life... So of course I wanna be fit and healthy and got an injection, i kinda hoped they mixed it together and shot it all on one arm, so it can absorb the pain. But nooooo... it had to be in two arms and no im in agony of this pretty bad pain....

Plus i tell you mates, I have a hunger problem, as you know food is my adored fan and no one else can replace it except maybe paul frank and the adored characters such as julius and friends!! I havnt stopped eating all day... I kinda well have a hunger issue, coz it uses up soo much money, this week I tell you ive saved some, but i spent like over $10 on food, normally its like more than that, sometimes even $100 will be used, coz i eat so much, but im a growing girl and i need food in order to be content...

Mates the world has just flown by and days are slowly slipping till this game i have to do is due..

I apologise for the very many that come to visit this site only to find i havent done anything for the last well month...but as nice as I am, Im willin to update you on my life history again as much as happend...

Yeh I almost got killed by a spider at was a HUGE red back and she had the unborn kids under this crack of the bin and of course i was like a little miss wooosy and didn wannna get killed, but the old lady did, she is my hero and she killed hte redy back spider for me....shes a champion i so not tackling against those things....

more stories to come!!

Keep your eyes open and see!!


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